
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Our morning at home

5 am- Mack wakes up to eat 7 am- TC climbs into our bed and J climbs out 730 am- Everyone is up and either playing with my iPod, fixing his lunch, emptying the dishwasher, or army crawling around the house. 8 am- family prayer and J is off to work with hugs and kisses 810 am- Mack is chomping down on some sweet potatoes while TC decides he needs both halves of the bagel we were sharing for breakfast. 830 am- bath time for a sticky Mack while T helps me switch the laundry 845 am- Mack naps and tc plays while I pinterest ideas for gifts. And other crafts worked on. 10am- the boys help me make the cutest gifts and we fold laundry (3 loads!) 11 am- grilled. Cheese and tomato soup for lunch. 1145 am- nurse Mack and start Gnomeo and Juiliet for T. 1150 am- Mack sleeping while t combs my hair as I type. Next up: naptime, shower, put away laundry, softball game to cheer on daddy Xo Kellee If you would like some fun photos, follow me on instagram : kcwareham

1 comment:

The Knights said...

Seriously you are like wonderwoman! I don't know how you get all of that done in a day! I feel lucky if I can actually get clothes folded on the day that I wash them! Your kiddos are cute!