
Friday, September 7, 2012


I have never considered our family to be a "sick family", you know those people where someone is ALWAYS sick. But lately (summer mostly) it seems that every couple of weeks someone in this household is out of commission. Which usually means more work for me, but I realized this morning (at 2am in fact) that if you ever want to know if you are ready for marriage ask yourself "Would I wake up at 2 am to change the bed because this person just got sick everywhere?". This even works with having kids "Am I willing to wake up at 2am to clean up a bed and not go back to sleep because this tiny person needs me?".

I was going to write a lovely post about life, but Trae is sick with something that is making life completely enjoyable right now and I don't have the time to download pictures and be witty. Excuse me, T is calling for me. Maybe he has karate chopped this bug in half? Doubt it, but that would have been nice.

Nurse kellee


Bailey said...


The Chambers said...

No fun! Tell that bug to get lost. You are such a sweet sweet mama. Those THREE boys are lucky to have you!